
Afavicon,alsoknownasashortcuticon,isasmallsquareimagedisplayedinabrowsertab,inbookmarks,andalsoinGooglesearchresults.,Toaddafavicontoyourwebsite,eithersaveyourfaviconimagetotherootdirectoryofyourwebserver,orcreateafolderintherootdirectorycalledimages ...,Shortcutandiconareusedtodenoteafavicon,howevericoncanalsobeusedalone.IfyouriconisanICOfile,use

Favicon - Shortcut Icon - What Is It?

A favicon, also known as a shortcut icon, is a small square image displayed in a browser tab, in bookmarks, and also in Google search results.

How To Add a Favicon in HTML

To add a favicon to your website, either save your favicon image to the root directory of your webserver, or create a folder in the root directory called images ...

html - cant figure out how to add shortcut icon

Shortcut and icon are used to denote a favicon, however icon can also be used alone. If your icon is an ICO file, use <link rel=icon type=image/x-icon href ...

HTML Favicon

An HTML favicon (or favorite icon) is a small image or icon that represents a website, typically shown in the browser tab, bookmarks, and shortcuts.

HTML Favicon

A favicon is a small image, so it should be a simple image with high contrast. A favicon image is displayed to the left of the page title in the browser tab.

HTML5 `<link rel=shortcut icon >`

The shortcut link type is often seen before icon, but this link type is non-conforming, ignored and web authors must not use it anymore.

以2024 年的方法製作Favicon:6 個檔案就搞定大多數需求(翻譯)

HTML 頁面要在 <head> 裡面加入 <link rel=apple-touch-icon href=apple-touch-icon.png> 。 從iOS 8 開始,在iPad 得使用180x180 解析度的圖片,其它 ...


1.將圖片轉成ico格式,然後命名為favicon.ico,尺寸設16X16px,因為只是放在title上,占的範圍很小,所以圖檔不宜過大。 有不少將png、jpg等圖檔線上轉成ico的網站,可以直接將 ...

網站瀏覽器logo製作超easy - 「Favicon.ico」簡介

瀏覽器logo-ICO圖檔製作ICO圖示其實很簡單,主要關鍵是將JPG或GIF轉為ICO格式。只要在網頁的<head>中間加上favicon.ICO圖檔,在瀏覽器上便可看到如下圖所示 ...


shortcut icon 在文件中也有特別被提到,是出於歷史原因才存在的,已是舊的寫法,使用文件寫法即可。 apple-touch-icon 、 mask-icon 等其他寫法則是不同平台 ...